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I am pleased to present a selection of images which illustrate my work in Venice, Italy as a wedding photographer.

In addition to weddings and honeymoon photo-sessions, the images revolve around the idea of a couple and their love story: from the surprise proposal to the reaffirmation of the vows after many years of married life, and family photography.

Not to forget special events like the Venice film festival.
Gondola scene Carnival elegance VeniceBride-to-be in a white dress standing on Ponte Chiodo, Venice.Embrace after surprise proposal in front of hotel - VeniceCouple embracing by historic Venetian archwayWoman reacts to surprise proposal on gondolavenice-film-festival-portrait-004A close-up of intertwined hands symbolizing the couple’s lifelong commitment.WEDDING-venice-001romanic and cinematic couple portraitA close-up of elegant champagne glasses, glowing in candlelight.Tender moment by water in Venice winter mistKneeling for proposal at St. George Island, Venicewedding-photographer-venice-013couple-engagement-february-029Same-sex couple kissing near the Venetian waterway, black and white posing on Grand Canal near Rialto BridgeCandid pose overlooking Venice canal

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:engagement, honeymoon, photographer, portrait, proposal, proposal, surprise, surprise, venice, wedding